2024-2025 Staff
2024-2025 Staff
Elementary and Middle School
Liberty-Benton 2023-2024 Staff
High School
High School
District News
Welcome Back!
Welcome Back!

Dear LB Community,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!  I hope everyone had a wonderful, restful, and fun filled summer vacation so you’ll be ready for new experiences, new challenges, and new opportunities this school year.   Our maintenance and custodial crews have been working hard to make sure our facilities are ready for you.  It has been great seeing our students and staff matriculating back for athletic camps and practices, summer reading, and getting classrooms ready.  

As we approach a new school year, here are a few important upcoming dates:

  • High School schedule and laptop pickup/cookout Wednesday, August 14, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • High School New Student and Freshman Orientation Wednesday, August 14, 7:30 p.m.
  • Prek-8 Meet the Teacher Night Monday, August 19, 5-7 p.m.
  • First Day of School Wednesday, August 21
  • Holiday/Break August 27-Spetember 3
  • School Resumes September 3

Enjoy your final days of summer vacation.  We’ll see you all for the first day of school August 21st!

Fly Higher!


Bruce Otley


Eagle Update
Eagle Update
Preschool Openings for the 2024-2025 School Year:  Liberty Benton is partnering with the Hancock County ESC to open an additional morning preschool room for Liberty Benton students at the ESC school on Sandusky Street in Findlay.  They are currently enrolling children who will be 4 years-old by August 1st.  Liberty Benton will provide transportation to and from preschool to this school location.  Please contact the Hancock County ESC Preschool Director, Donna Losiewicz, at 419-422-7525 ext. 208 to find out more information.

Traffic Flow Maps
With the start of school just around the corner, we wanted to share the new traffic flow maps to ensure a safe drop-off and pick-up of students!
MS-HS Pickup

ES Pickup

Home Football Game Parking and Dismissal Guidance

Report tips on bullying, harassment, drugs, weapons, 
thoughts of suicide, or any other concern.

LBHS Alumni Veterans/Active Duty Military and Family Member Veterans of current students
The Liberty-Benton High School Action Team "Support Our Soldiers" is looking to collect names of currently living veterans of the military or those who are actively serving in the military.

Restraint and Seclusion, Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) in Ohio Schools.
What Parents Need to Know

Supporting Those Who Serve: Liberty-Benton Elementary and Middle School Receive Purple Star Designation
Supporting Those Who Serve: Liberty-Benton Elementary and Middle School Receive Purple Star Designation
Liberty-Benton Elementary and Middle School have been honored as Ohio Department of Education Purple Star Schools for the 2023-2024 for their outstanding contributions to students and families in the armed service.  They join Liberty-Benton High School who already earned Purple Star honors.  Elementary Principal Brian Burkett and Middle School Principal Kyle Leatherman will be recognized by the Ohio School Board Association at the Northwest Regional Fall Conference in Fostoria, Ohio on October 26 for this honor.  Both schools can proudly display the Purple Star logo on their respective websites.
May Update
May Update

Back in 1986 the rock band Europe released their hit song “The Final Countdown”, which is a fitting way to look at the month of May in public schools.  For our seniors, May is a time for reflection regarding the many things they’ve accomplished during their years at LB, as well as a time of looking forward to graduation, summer vacation, and the next chapter in life.

During our Portrait of an Eagle Project, we identified critical thinkers as an essential skillset all students should possess by the time they graduate from LB.  We defined this as:

Critical Thinkers

  • We are able to analyze information, make informed decisions, and sort information to discern truth.
  • We can evaluate evidence, consider different perspectives, and solve problems.  

The world our graduates must be prepared for, is a world that has become more difficult to sift through mainstream media spin, and web-based resources to arrive at truth.  Analyzing information, evaluating evidence, and considering different perspectives, to discern truth is an essential skill for success in life.  

As we look at closing out another school year, It has been a blessing to serve you alongside of our amazing LB teaching staff. I’m looking forward to seeing you at these remaining school events.

May 8   District Wide Arts Festival 6-8 pm

May 14  High School Spring Band/Choir Concert 7:30 pm

May 20  High School Senior Awards Night 7 pm

May 21  Middle School Spring Band/Choir Concert 6:30 pm

May 22 Last Day for Graduating Seniors

May 30  Last Day of School 2 Hour Early Dismissal

June 2   High School Graduation 2 pm


Fly Higher!
Bruce Otley




April Message
April Message
The trees are budding with new leaves, the grass has begun to grow, and the tulips and crocuses are
blooming. Spring has sprung, and we are officially in the fourth quarter of the 2023-2024 school year!
When I was a football coach, often times our players would raise their hands in the air with their thumb
bent to make the number 4, as a reminder to persevere, execute the game plan, implement the half
time adjustments, and finish the game strong. With three quarters of school in the rear view, we need
to commit to a strong finish.

In February and March, a committee of students, parents, teachers, board member, and administrators
met with our consultant with The Impact Group for our Portrait of an Eagle project, which is in support
of our Strategic Plan. Our work was to identify and define the character traits we feel every student
should possess by the time they graduate from Liberty-Benton. These character traits help define our
culture, and will be a k-12 point of focus as we nurture, grow, and educate our students. I’ll be sharing
the end result of our “Portrait of an Eagle” project in its entirety with everyone soon, but since we’re
officially in the fourth quarter, I thought I’d share a sneak peak of one of the character traits our
committee felt every eagle should possess before graduating.

Resilience: We are motivated to persevere through challenges with grit and determination.  We are
willing to embrace and overcome setbacks as a necessary step toward growth.  We know that hard work
creates opportunities to adapt, grow and be successful in our changing world.  

I love that our group identified resilience as a point of focus, and used terms like “grit”, “hard work”. and
“determination” as the remedy to overcome setbacks to achieve growth. I love watching our students
pursue excellence by overcoming challenges in the classroom, through musical and theatrical
performances and the arts, on the court, mat, course, and field of athletics. As we enter the fourth
quarter, be resilient and finish the year strong!

Fly Higher!

Bruce Otley
March Madness
March Madness
March is music in our schools Month, and our students are poised for another successful high school
musical, The Sound of Music, in our beautiful new performing arts center. Opening night will be Friday,
March 1, at 7:30 p.m. Encore performances will be held Saturday March 2, and Sunday March 3, at 2:00

We will again be showcasing the talent of our middle and high school vocal music programs at the Music
in Our Schools (MIOSM) concert on Tuesday, March 12 at 7:30 p.m. and our high school band will be
performing on Thursday March 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the performing arts center. Our second graders will
also be performing on Tuesday, March 19 at 7:00 p.m.

March is also the month for high school basketball tournaments, and the beginning of our track,
baseball, and softball seasons. Good luck to all of our athletes!

The demolition of our old prek-8 building is well under way and we would like anyone who would like a
keepsake from our beloved old building to have one. Bricks from the original 1921 building can now be
obtained in the front parking lot of the original elementary school.  There will be plenty of bricks, and
our demolition company will continue to make bricks available to our pubic as long as there is a demand
for them so please feel free to preserve a piece of our district’s heritage and “pick a brick”.

Friendly reminder we will be off for Spring Break Friday March 29-Monday April 1.

Bruce A. Otley
Liberty-Benton Local Schools
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By the Numbers
The class of 2022 earned 2,296 college credit hours, or 20.68 per person while attending Liberty-Benton High School
44% earned an Honors Diploma. 92.8% earned College Credit Plus credits, ranking Liberty-Benton #7 in the state for the percentage of students who earn college credit while in high school. 4 students earned a 30 or higher on the ACT and 7 earned an Honors-level score of 27 or higher
Class of 2022
84% are attending a two or four-year college, university, or trade school
14% joined the workforce
2% are serving in the U.S. military
$2.8 MILLION The class of 2022 accepted $835,812 in scholarships for the 2022-2023 school year and more than $2.8 million over the next four years
Liberty-Benton: Where Eagles learn to soar!
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